
Showing posts from March, 2010

A Routesetting Blog Begins

As if I needed another blog. But this one is about my experiences with routesetting. I spend a lot of time hanging from ropes and turning wrenches. Just a quick background on my routesetting history. I guess it all started in 1992 when I discovered climbing - both outdoor and indoor. In Oklahoma the opportunities to climb outside are somewhat limited (it's about an hour and a half to the nearest rock). So we pride ourselves in coming up with unique ways to experience climbing. I began putting holds on plywood pretty much as soon as I began climbing. I made wood holds. I made rock holds. I glued holds to the underside of bridges. I discovered climbing in urban areas (i.e. buildering). Anything and everything could be a "route." The first home gym I climbed in was at Terry Andrew's house just a couple of miles from home. His gym had the appearance of a wood-shop experiment gone array - but in my mind it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. Nearly all of his hol