
Showing posts from February, 2013

The Rocktown Open 2013

It's not an uncommon occurrence while working on some project that James will morph into another character, one from some posh hoity-toity country club on a hill where everyone dines on caviar, sails yachts, and is waited upon by lowly servants. "I say, Winfired, the waves are really up today, perhaps we should retire to the lounge and enjoy some libations." It's a cue for me to respond... "Quite agreed, Branson. I will radio Rupert to have wine and caviar prepared for our arrival." So credit goes to James who gave us the idea for our upcoming Rocktown competition theme: an event where everyone dresses, behaves and pokes-fun-at the pretension of high society. In essence, a fictional country club style with people in white collars and raised eyebrows. I ran with the idea and created a logo for the event: Climbing Competition 2013 The act of preparing for a climbing competition is one I'm quite familiar with. I started organizing climbing c